Sunday, July 26, 2009

After the storm and the hiatus...

Well; my loyal and trusted 'whatever'..

So there was no storm; there was a slight hiatus however.
Hopefully my internet ventures will continue in a more stable fashion; so i have decided to re-dedicate this blog to my many new activities: my new film title 'potatowerx', and my new stress:pivot animation hobby.

After succesfully completing a diploma of software engineering (why i have not posted in a while due to the rape of study bsns) i am now fully focusing on a completely un-productive lifestyle - in terms of monetary gain and so forth.

I have a new and improved outlook on life; which is the result of many trials and tribulations that have faced me in the just beconed months; in short - i am uber1337?

As for IRM - you will just have to be patient while i start recoding some of the songs written./.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Industrial Racism Master

Propagating soon...

Industrial Racism Master is a spoken word black metal project creating propaganda against most races (except white)
Industrial Racism Master is not calm music, if you are prone to seizures or are offended easily you will probably not tolerate this music (because you are weak and we hate you)

The band consists of 3 members;

Schnell - Propagator/Screaming/Speaking
Pastoulio - Synth/Keyboard/Noises
Euronymous - Extreme Guitar/Noises

We will be releasing our first album "Hitlers Hiest Machine" which will contain 6 tracks and 2 videos.

So far the release date is unknown so be patient, Sieg Heil.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Yes, April did disappear ...

Since I have no blogs listed under the month of April, I have no choice but to conclude that April evaporated from the internet, or so I thought...

It just turns out I was playing World of Warcraft all throughout April, creating the illusion that it dissipated.
World of Warcraft simulates the effect of traversing through a wormhole in spatial time, preposterous as it may sound, many WoW players have claimed that 'time loss' occurs as a result from playing the highly addictive heroin substitute.
It may be speculation at this point, however, I believe when one plays WoW for longer than 30 minutes they are induced into a virtual coma, only certain bodily functions remain active at this time, micro and breathing for example.

Once induced into this coma the player becomes detached from physical reality, entering a zone I refer to as 'Eartharoth' - lame? I know, but w/e.

Once they have transcended into this zone, a type of space warp occurs, where your link to the blizzard server acts as a portal, combined with the bio-chemistry occurring between you and your computer, a type of serial a-lateral conversion is made; to understand this sensation you would have to convert your physical appearance into a nifty GUI programming package, your basic motor functions would become boolean expressions and your core body functions would be broken down into packet binary.

At this point you have made a 'bond' with the BLIZZARD SUPER-COMPUTER, and every other user transposing in this a-lateral state, when this is achieved you have abilities far beyond what would be imagination if you were tethered to your physical being.
For instance you can traverse into the Korean internet system and learn dirty secrets about their baby murdering policy, or as mentioned above you can literally create time pathways to flow with; although it is not a form of time-travel, more like a situation of time awareness and fact of time?

Good, I like WoW, but I should not play WoW, go Pastoulio.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Linux possibly better that Windows...

Microsoft's Windows is massive carp, it has more carp in it than this blog.
One would ask, what does an operating system need with all this carp?
I'm not really sure, since carp is a bad thing, and Windows harbours it, then the conclusion of Microsoft's Windows is pretty clear. What a piece of shit.

Linux is quite (possibly) a better operating system than Windows Vista and its predecessors, ofcourse most people considered using Windows 98 and below as pure comedy, no-one suspected that it was one of the flagship products of the Microsoft corporation.
Windows is apparently a fast, reliable and stable operating system, stated by Microsoft many times as they shoved their advertising stick down your throat, little did the consumer know that it was built primarily to harbour poorly scripted programs, pornography servers and multitudes of a vast array of viruses, malware, trojans, spyware and worms.

It's pretty unclear why Microsoft released such a dilapidated and incompatible operating system onto the market, but they sure did make a sweet mint from it, similar to me mashing some food on a piece of carpet and referring to it as 'art'.

Taking all aspects of an operating system into account it now seems distinct that Linux clearly outperforms Windows in almost every aspect (every)
The only reason I would install Windows into my machine now would be to... yeh.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Lego controls most of the universe

It does, well in theory, at least.
There is a piece of LEGO that stands out amongst the rest of my collection, it is know as a micro scout and has a seeming ability to perform task of motion without any indication of fuel consumption.
One would deny this simply by speculating that it has a power core, possibly a battery or small electrical distribution units, I am not satisfied with this response, however.
After spending many waking hours inspecting the micro scout, I can conclude 2 evidential facts, firstly, the device is completely sealed, no access from either side to find out its magical properties, and second, that it beeps several times when performing a task.

The tasks it performs are relatively simple, either turning a small cog one way or the other, sometimes changing pitch mid program, simple yes, but the fact that I cannot find anyway into the device flaws my one expertise; being able to mangle my way into any tech and destroying its static sensitive micro processing units.

It is interesting to come across an artefact such as this, since I have been using this micro scouter for well over 4 years w/o having to worry about changing batteries or such nonsense, I believe there is some type of parallel dimension involved with its propulsion theory, or even more far-fetched, it contains our own universe, and has the ability to expand atoms and control photons. abstract as it may sound, I cannot find any other means to which power this awesome device.

In conclusion, there will be further studies carried to divide this mystical micro scout; until then try to imagine a galaxy, full of spectral neurons and whatnot, contained within a small plastic case decorated with 3 button labelled "RUN", "ON/OFF" and "SELECT"; this explanation gives rise to the awesome theory: "Lego controls most of the universe"

Monday, March 16, 2009

World of Warcraft, more like: World of Awesomecraft

After having a 3 week hiatus from World of Warcraft against my will, i have successfuly wroughted my way back into Blizzards system using the not-so reliable internet billing system - *.
after completing my brootal 6000 werd tertiary assignment, i decided i wanted to play WoW again, however, i have no job thus no money; and WoW relies on you having money to enjoy their art.
I tried numerous times paying for the game with my credit card, with no avail, it seems you have to have money, Blizzard don't like credit; i have kredit.

Since the aforementioned method failed to provide in-game time, i decided to use a more discretionary option, *. I'm not sure why its discretionary, but it seems pretty unlegit.

So i have this shifty * account, technically it exists, but its not tied to any particular bank account, however i won't go into details about my 'personal funding'.
After about 20 minutes of computer deliberation, Blizzard seemed to accept this method of 'payment' and thus, WORLD OF WARCRAFT TIME!!@bbq

Since my heals with Gumbyman have become a little rusty, i decided to create a new pwnerer, and the protégé to Gumbyman - Gumbymang was created.
Below is a picture of Gumbymang with his minion Azuri.

As you can see Gumbymang is very happy relaxing outside his rustic azerothian cottage.
In later posts i may decide to reveal my more elite doods, however World of Warcraft is a dish best served humble.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


i eat it

the end

(thankyou to stripeykitten)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Star Wars keyrings, plastic artwork

most people enjoy keyrings that are symbolizing something but they are actually pretty lame, however, since i own 3 StarWars themed keyrings, varying in height and casting, they are better than keyrings that serve a purpose. (lights and the such)

The biggest one in my collection is Chewbacca, he controls the bigger keys in my collection, mostly for the Honda.
The medium sized keyring is R2-D2, he has claim over the general keys, such as both house door keys, his programming skills are beyond comprehesion.
The smallest and most wise of my key guardians is Yoda, he controls my complicated keys, this includes my car alarm key and car alarm/locking remote.

I have chosen this key hierarchy because it makes the most sense to me, however Chewbacca can be a little to inconvenient sometimes, he also growls when he is hungry so i feed him several bird seeds throughout the day.
I sometimes reminisce about their coming, R2-D2 was the first, traded for a different keyring i once thought was cool at a lame Adelaide club.
The second to attach themselves to my keys was Chewbacca, he was the most difficult to acquire; once when i was in coles, i decided to steal it since i didn't have the $2.97
way over-priced.

The Third was Yoda, cunning and most wise, he controls the more complicated keys, those being my car alarm key and car locking/alarm remote. Yoda prevents my complicated keys from being surged. He is a powerful ground.

Chewbacca controls most things.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Awesome Hello Kitty Items are awesome

I thought i would pleasure the near 0 amount of people who actually look at my blog with some pictures of cool things i own, mainly rare Hello Kitty items.

The above picture is a general collection of some things i own, mainly awesome Hello Kitty artifacts i have collected over the years. To keep things interesting i have decided to depict and describe most of the Hello Kitty artifacts i own.
The below picture is an extremely rare and awesome keyboard i found on the internet once while corsing through a lovely online shopping addiction.
It features rare, hand carved media control buttons with expensive LED lock indicators and worn down Shift and S button due to the constant stress of my elite World of Warcraft micro.

^awesome and rare

The next item in question is a superior alarm clock crafted out of pure plastic (expensive) which displays time is several different languages and can control the the rate of the Earths rotation if necassery.

^ ridiculously amazing

Another worthwhile epic item is my limited edition Hello Kitty telephone. It is sleek and comfortable when dialing out to any number (including several numbers that cannot be interpreted by logical numeracy) When dialing out in ones and zeros i can often contact secret government organisations and dictate how hot the sun can be at any given time.

^ wow, omg

The last picture is a highly rare and valuable Hello Kitty carry bag which my girlfriend spawned out of pure love for kittens, it includes 105 cubic centimeters of storage capacity and a mispelling of the word Hello to 'Hoell', this in turn raising the value of this product beyond priceless.

^ seriously perfect

In conclusion i believe i have an awesome collection of Hello Kitty valuables, that in time, will become priceless and rare artifacts sought after by extra-terrestrial life.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Linux Bible, not actually religious

A few years ago i was perusing the aisles of a local book store when i came across a book, a book that tickled several of my interests, those including an operating system that works primarily becasue the programmers like functioning software, a book that conveys a religion based entirely upon several million lines of awesome code and a free CD. All of these things had awesome written all over them.

So i went ahead and bought this book, excited about starting a path to my new-found religion, Linux is awesome.

Looks pretty sweet, especially since it declares i can try out 11 different types of religion and harness the power of Linux in my religious views.
But alas, i found no genesis in the name of Linux, nor could i use this in the last censis i filled out, instead i had to demote my religious theme to Jedi.

All in all i was not totally dissapointed, as from trying to seive through the pages of information, trying to find my Linux diety (turns out i follow the Deabian/GNU path) i learnt how to use Linux; awesome 1/2

Ambiguous Toyota description avoids Unit rage

A little common sense goes a long way, so does:
lying about insurance details, lying about incident specifics and not trying to tail-gate a taxi in wet weather.

All three i have accomplished today. (happy face)
I shouldn't really be too excited about the whole scenario, but the money isn't coming out of my pockets (I'm poor) so I'm slightly left of center when considering the circumstances.

Last night i was even planning to write a blog about how awesome and sleek my car was, until today, at about 5pm, i decided to take my awesome girlfriend home when i imagined a giant squid eating the faces off all the drivers around me, when i got a tad too close to the taxi ahead of me.
The damage is not extreme but the taxi driver was, he was calm and all, but he had some shifty slick hair and looked like he had been smoking meth for the past 10 years.

I gave him some slightly accurate insurance details and basically bailed.

Then some numbing fear came over me, "shit, i have to tell my dad (unit)".
Since my dad paid for insurance and the car, i basically smashed up his redbox, but luckily I'm pretty good at instantaneous truth-bending.

'Apparently' there was a middle aged woman, following me closely in a green/blue/teal Toyota four-wheel-drive, and as we were pulling up to stop she reached for her phone and began to nudge me at rolling speed, this in turn lead to me rear-ending a new Mitsubishi taxi, and there goes my K.Rudd stimulus package... awesome

This isn't insurance fraud either, I've taken full responsibility, it's just that my dad doesn't like me smashing his shiny things...

note: i will put up pix soon of my redbox

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Who can resist a good blog session?

well, of course, not me

Not really, but i wouldn't be here otherwise, since the removal of World of Warcraft from my computer, i really have nothing to do.

I thought blogging would be a good way to channel creativity, but it leaves me wondering, who is actually going to read this 'burito filled carp' of a blog, and just to clarify~ burito means nothing and c
arp means nothing, at least in my thesaurus.

Mainly this blog will be a source for my somewhat spastic imagination, as I've noticed lately, and the only reason i started this blog was to keep my mind off WoW.

There are a few rules to my blog which you may/may not chose to follow (i have no real power)

1. If you dislike/hate/are opposed to World of Warcraft, or any Warcraft, immediately turn off your computer and never use it again.

2. Rule number 1

3. Please do not tell the authorities about my blog, as i will be constantly updating the latest news in keeping CP on the internet.

4. I like Hello Kitty, quite a lot. If you are in anyway un-inclined to Hello Kitty or the Snario Company i suggest you not make eye-contact with my blog

5. Do not attempt to make eye-contact with my blog or I will be forced to send you Pron spams

If you follow these simple yet strict rules I'm sure were all going to have a gay time here on the internet