Sunday, July 26, 2009

After the storm and the hiatus...

Well; my loyal and trusted 'whatever'..

So there was no storm; there was a slight hiatus however.
Hopefully my internet ventures will continue in a more stable fashion; so i have decided to re-dedicate this blog to my many new activities: my new film title 'potatowerx', and my new stress:pivot animation hobby.

After succesfully completing a diploma of software engineering (why i have not posted in a while due to the rape of study bsns) i am now fully focusing on a completely un-productive lifestyle - in terms of monetary gain and so forth.

I have a new and improved outlook on life; which is the result of many trials and tribulations that have faced me in the just beconed months; in short - i am uber1337?

As for IRM - you will just have to be patient while i start recoding some of the songs written./.


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