Monday, March 16, 2009

World of Warcraft, more like: World of Awesomecraft

After having a 3 week hiatus from World of Warcraft against my will, i have successfuly wroughted my way back into Blizzards system using the not-so reliable internet billing system - *.
after completing my brootal 6000 werd tertiary assignment, i decided i wanted to play WoW again, however, i have no job thus no money; and WoW relies on you having money to enjoy their art.
I tried numerous times paying for the game with my credit card, with no avail, it seems you have to have money, Blizzard don't like credit; i have kredit.

Since the aforementioned method failed to provide in-game time, i decided to use a more discretionary option, *. I'm not sure why its discretionary, but it seems pretty unlegit.

So i have this shifty * account, technically it exists, but its not tied to any particular bank account, however i won't go into details about my 'personal funding'.
After about 20 minutes of computer deliberation, Blizzard seemed to accept this method of 'payment' and thus, WORLD OF WARCRAFT TIME!!@bbq

Since my heals with Gumbyman have become a little rusty, i decided to create a new pwnerer, and the protégé to Gumbyman - Gumbymang was created.
Below is a picture of Gumbymang with his minion Azuri.

As you can see Gumbymang is very happy relaxing outside his rustic azerothian cottage.
In later posts i may decide to reveal my more elite doods, however World of Warcraft is a dish best served humble.

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