Thursday, May 14, 2009

Industrial Racism Master

Propagating soon...

Industrial Racism Master is a spoken word black metal project creating propaganda against most races (except white)
Industrial Racism Master is not calm music, if you are prone to seizures or are offended easily you will probably not tolerate this music (because you are weak and we hate you)

The band consists of 3 members;

Schnell - Propagator/Screaming/Speaking
Pastoulio - Synth/Keyboard/Noises
Euronymous - Extreme Guitar/Noises

We will be releasing our first album "Hitlers Hiest Machine" which will contain 6 tracks and 2 videos.

So far the release date is unknown so be patient, Sieg Heil.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Yes, April did disappear ...

Since I have no blogs listed under the month of April, I have no choice but to conclude that April evaporated from the internet, or so I thought...

It just turns out I was playing World of Warcraft all throughout April, creating the illusion that it dissipated.
World of Warcraft simulates the effect of traversing through a wormhole in spatial time, preposterous as it may sound, many WoW players have claimed that 'time loss' occurs as a result from playing the highly addictive heroin substitute.
It may be speculation at this point, however, I believe when one plays WoW for longer than 30 minutes they are induced into a virtual coma, only certain bodily functions remain active at this time, micro and breathing for example.

Once induced into this coma the player becomes detached from physical reality, entering a zone I refer to as 'Eartharoth' - lame? I know, but w/e.

Once they have transcended into this zone, a type of space warp occurs, where your link to the blizzard server acts as a portal, combined with the bio-chemistry occurring between you and your computer, a type of serial a-lateral conversion is made; to understand this sensation you would have to convert your physical appearance into a nifty GUI programming package, your basic motor functions would become boolean expressions and your core body functions would be broken down into packet binary.

At this point you have made a 'bond' with the BLIZZARD SUPER-COMPUTER, and every other user transposing in this a-lateral state, when this is achieved you have abilities far beyond what would be imagination if you were tethered to your physical being.
For instance you can traverse into the Korean internet system and learn dirty secrets about their baby murdering policy, or as mentioned above you can literally create time pathways to flow with; although it is not a form of time-travel, more like a situation of time awareness and fact of time?

Good, I like WoW, but I should not play WoW, go Pastoulio.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Linux possibly better that Windows...

Microsoft's Windows is massive carp, it has more carp in it than this blog.
One would ask, what does an operating system need with all this carp?
I'm not really sure, since carp is a bad thing, and Windows harbours it, then the conclusion of Microsoft's Windows is pretty clear. What a piece of shit.

Linux is quite (possibly) a better operating system than Windows Vista and its predecessors, ofcourse most people considered using Windows 98 and below as pure comedy, no-one suspected that it was one of the flagship products of the Microsoft corporation.
Windows is apparently a fast, reliable and stable operating system, stated by Microsoft many times as they shoved their advertising stick down your throat, little did the consumer know that it was built primarily to harbour poorly scripted programs, pornography servers and multitudes of a vast array of viruses, malware, trojans, spyware and worms.

It's pretty unclear why Microsoft released such a dilapidated and incompatible operating system onto the market, but they sure did make a sweet mint from it, similar to me mashing some food on a piece of carpet and referring to it as 'art'.

Taking all aspects of an operating system into account it now seems distinct that Linux clearly outperforms Windows in almost every aspect (every)
The only reason I would install Windows into my machine now would be to... yeh.